zkTube uses Layer2

Mohamed Chloé
5 min readJul 23, 2021


I don’t know if you agree with me, but for me, it’s hard to imagine a person without a job. I don’t really remember who said such a sentence, but the essence of it is “only through work can one achieve heights and know this world”. That is why the topic of employment has been, is and will be relevant for more than a dozen generations. After all, through work a person can show some of their talents and be useful to society as a whole. After all, it is also sung in some very popular songs “all work is important, all work is necessary”.


However, as you have noticed, our society is changing from year to year, and what was relevant, for example, 10 years ago is outdated and useless. Therefore, some new technologies come to transition to a more developed technology. And as you may have noticed, a lot of technology can be conducted remotely and online. But whatever it is before you start working, you need to figure it out first.

And this, as practice shows, remains a problem. After all, what new technology can change the world and attract big investors?
Our current project intends to solve this problem. In fact, I want to tell you about this right now. And it’s called
zkTube .

What is zkTube?

ZkTube is a platform amongst a few bringing out newer ways block chain solutions can be improved. ZkTube is a protocol which uses zk rollup solutions of zero knowledge proof to achieve lower transaction rates, highly secured and faster transactions for it’s users to use and developers to build on. This protocol helps to enable better migration of applications and contracts on Layer 1.

Features of zkTube

  • zkTube uses Layer2 ZK-Rollups to provide low transaction fees and high throughput transactions.
  • It ensures security by tracking the history of state roots and the hash of each batch.
  • It is solving Ethereum scaling while ensuring transaction speed and security.
  • It reduces transaction fees through batch processing and ZK proof functions.
  • It is the first application utilizing PLONK technology for mining and is eco-friendly to decentralized energy management.
  • It is an outstanding project both in terms of performance and security.
  • zkTube is using Zero-Knowledge Rollups instead of Optimistic Rollups considering the speed of withdrawals that in case of Optimistic Rollups take one week. The speed can be increased but it reduces efficiency by increasing cost ultimately. Whereas ZK-Rollups make zkTube fast, secure, and cost-effective.
  • It allows users to store their assets in a ZK-Rollup with Layer1 Meanwhile, enabling users to interact with Layer 2 contracts. Therefore, offering effective interaction between Layer 1 and Layer 2.
  • It allows multiple transactions to be bundled and executed as a single transaction on a layer at once.
  • zkTube has developed the ZK proof algorithm into a miner, composing an architecture of Provers grids and miner verification nodes.
  • zkTube is working to improve the current Ethereum system by breaking through the existing performance limitations to host a larger ecosystem.
  • zkTube offers PayTube Wallet that enables users to access any Ethereum decentralized apps with just a one-click link.

zkTube uses the advantages of the Ethereum platform and it uses the ZK-Rollup technology which is based on the PLONK algorithm protocol to improve its functions. ZK-Rollup relies on the censorship resistance of Layer 1, and the security is not lower than the first layer network, so it has the main network level of safety performance.
The advantage of PLONK is that it supports a universal and scalable reference string, and as long as the size of the circuit design,it does not exceed the upper limit of the SRS threshold, some scenarios and functions can actually share an SRS, which is very helpful for zkTube.
So zkTube takes advantage of this feature. In some cases, such as deposits, withdrawals, and transfers. The verification time of zkTube was originally about 1/5 of SNARKs, but after the optimization of zkTube, the verification time was shortened by 15–20 times

The Roadmap of ZkTube Platform:

Reputable Information about ZkTube:

1. The ZkTube Platform has been recommended for funding by the well known Ethereum foundation. Details of how this funding can be carried out on the open grant platform could be found by click this link here.

2. The technical team of zktube received a Uniswap V3 grant sponsored by Unigrant. More details about this can be found on this website

Conclusion :
In my opinion, I believe the zkTube platform is poised to revolutionize networking as well as security. Using modern technologies to improve transaction quality and processing speed of all operations. At the same time, as you understand, the built-in blockchain technology can make all transactions fast, efficient and most importantly transparent.

Which I think is extremely important these days, because we all know that a lot of people holding certain positions are not right there. And there are companies that are more deserving, talented and most importantly ready to unleash their full potential with potential technologies.

Therefore, I sincerely wish zkTube and the entire founding team every success in their development. If you want to learn more about this platform, I invite you to see the next part of my article. Where I have prepared all the official social resources especially for you.

The following links below can be used to find out more information about the team, the Hope token project, our community and the future of the platform :

The website





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Btt Username : Hidemail

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